Mint of Finland acts responsibly vis à vis its employees. We address the wellbeing at work of our employees and track it through employee surveys. Investing in employee competence and personal development is an important aspect of our work with responsibility and is also important to the future of the company. Our principles include showing appreciation and building a well-functioning working community.
Responsible human resources management includes fair rewards, systematic competence development, supporting employee wellbeing and ensuring safe working conditions.
A better you
Mint of Finland Group actively and systematically develops employee satisfaction and pursues new ways to improve it in, for example, development discussions, which are a way of developing competence in the direction the company needs. On the other hand, development discussions also guide work towards common goals.
Employee surveys are conducted annually in both Finland and Germany. The well-functioning of the working community was the development area for 2018 in Finland and survey results show improvement in this sector. The theme was considered during the year in team workshops as well as on wellbeing at work day, where the personnel created common work community rules of play. The rules of play further strengthened the company’s values – respect, collaboration, reliability and professional pride – as part of everyday activities. Company values and rules of play were also integrated into the development discussions. In Germany, similar development actions focused on improving manager work, work organisation, employee working capacity and resources. Internal communications and work organisation were defined as corporate-wide development areas for 2019.
Zero tolerance for accidents
Safe working and working conditions are the cornerstone of Mint of Finland’s operating activities. To promote safety at work, we arrange regular safety training sessions. Also the occupational safety committee, which comprises employees, works to improve safety. Mint of Finland is building a safe working environment by influencing attitudes and employees are asked to report “near-miss” situations and deviations. To promote occupational health, both factories have a proactive approach to reduce absences, rehabilitate employees and to maintain working ability.
We encourage wellbeing and help employees to develop
Mint of Finland tracks the development of work wellbeing for instance by measuring competence development by the number of training days, improvements in job satisfaction and the number of workplace accidents and sick leaves.