Mint of Finland’s story

Our journey to the top of the metal coin industry

Mint of Finland that has grown to a leading exporter of coins was founded by emperor’s decision in 1860. Experienced exporting company has satisfied customers in about 40 countries on four continents. Mint of Finland is the industry leader in corporate responsibility and serves customers during the whole coin life cycle from design to recycling.


1860 Mint of Finland founded

The mint is founded by decision of tsar Alexander II on 19 April 1860.


1864 Production begins

Mint of Finland starts operations in August 1864, and the first Finnish marks are minted on 15 October 1864.

 Vuonna 1951 lyödään Helsingin vuoden 1952 olympialaisia varten juhlaraha, joka on maailman ensimmäinen olympiaraha.

1951 Olympic coin

A commemorative coin is minted in 1951 in honour of the Helsinki Olympics of 1952. It is the first Olympic coin minted in the world and launches Mint of Finland’s commemorative coin production.



The company’s first Asian and African export projects are launched. In the same year, Mint of Finland is incorporated into a limited liability Company.

Suomen Rahapaja on avainroolissa eurojen materiaalisuunnittelussa


Mint of Finland plays a key role in the materials design of euro coins. In the future, the company will mint euros for Greece, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Cyprus, Ireland and Estonia in addition to Finland.

2009 Suomen Rahapajan hallitus hyväksyy yhtiön eettiset ohjeet.


Mint of Finland’s Board of Directors approves the company’s ethical guidelines.


Mint of Finland acquires the Mint of Finland GmbH (Saxonia Eurocoin) blank factory.

Ensimmäinen vientiprojekti Etelä-Amerikkaan käynnistyy. Suomen Rahapaja toimittaa kolikoita Nicaraguaan, Hondurasiin ja Kolumbiaan.


First export project to South America launched. Mint of Finland delivers coins to Nicaragua, Honduras and Colombia.


Mint of Finland focuses on coin business and saless the shares of the Mint of Finland GmbH.

Viennin osuus Suomen Rahapaja -konsernin liikevaihdosta on 95%.


The share of exports in the turnover of Mint of Finland Group is more than 90 %.